Layout 22 - Elastic Circular Clippings

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a dynamic and visually appealing elastic circle clipping layout using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. We’ll start out in Illustrator and finish off in InDesign.


  1. Document setup in Illustrator

    • 8.5 x 11 Inches in Portrait Orientation

    • 2 Artboards

    • We can leave everything else as is.

    • Once the artboards are created, we want to drag them together using the Artboard Tool (Shift + O)

  2. Create the Elastic Circle Effect

    • Select the ellipse tool (L), hold shift to draw perfect circles. Copy the circle by holding alt and dragging.

    • Select both circles, right-click, and choose "Make Compound Path".

    • Open the appearance tab (Window > Appearance).

      • Look for the “effects” icon near the bottom left of the Appearance Tab. It resembles a small “fx”.

        • Apply the offset path effect twice (Effect > Path > Offset Path):

          • First offset:

            • Offset: 2

            • Joins: Round

            • Miter: 4

          • Then before we do the second one it’ll ask if you want to apply another instance of the effect.

            • Click “Apply New Effect”

          • Second Offset:

            • Offset: -2

            • Joins: Round

            • Miter: 4

          • The only difference here is the offset distance on the second effect being the negative value of the first.

  3. Adjust Circle Sizes

    • Double-click into the compound path to select the circles.

    • When doing this part, make sure to drag out a selection box to include the circle you want to transform.

      • When you see a square around your circle after you select it, you know you’re on the right track.

      • Move your cursor to the center of the circle and you’ll see a small icon appear beside your cursor. This is to indicate the Free Transform Tool and will allow us to drag the shapes around.

    • With this new free transform ability, adjust the size and position of the circles to create the elastic effect.

  4. Prepare Image for Clipping

    • We want to get a general idea of where our main image sits in the elastic bubble shape to ensure the circles are positioned to highlight key parts of the image.

    • Drag and drop the image into Illustrator and position both the image and the elastic bubbles so that you get a good clipping overlay.

    • Modify the stroke and fill to visualize the clipping area.

  5. Leave Illustrator open, we’ll now setup our document in InDesign.


  1. Document Setup in InDesign:

    • 8.5 x 11 inches, portrait orientation with facing pages.

    • Pages: 2

    • Start #: 2

    • Margins: 0.625 inches

    • Bleed: 0.125 inches

  2. Paste Illustrator Shape

    • Copy the shape we made from Illustrator and paste it into InDesign.

    • Adjust the size while holding shift to maintain proportions.

      • InDesign will treat the pasted object as a shape. As if you are drawing a new square or circle, it will behave similar to that.

  3. Insert and Adjust Image

    • Drag the main image into the pasted shape and adjust it to fit proportionately.

      • Right Click > Fitting > Fit Frame Proportionally

    • Move and Resize Image: Double-click into the frame to move and resize the image as needed.

  4. Add Additional Elements

    • Create additional circular frames to extend the design.

      • We use the Ellipse Frame Tool to create additional circles that correspond with the main shape.

        • The Ellipse Frame Tool is accessible when you right click on the Rectangular Frame Tool (F).

      • In Order to maintain continuity of the image onto the new elliptical frames:

        • Double click into the main shaped-frame and copy the image.

        • Click onto the new elliptical frame and right click > paste into.

      • This will keep the image in the same place and will be perceived as a continuation from the main frame.

  5. Add Text Elements

    • Use the type tool (T) to create a title. Adjust the font size (e.g., 72 pt) and position it.

    • Create body text with a smaller font size (e.g., 12 pt).

      • Use two columns for a clean layout (Right Click on Text Frame > Text Frame Options > Number of Columns > 2).

    • Select the main elastic circle shape and apply text wrap

      • Make sure Text Wrap tab is open. Window > Text Wrap > Wrap around object shape (Third icon from the left)

      • Adjust the offset to add space between text and the shape.

  6. Fine-tuning

    • Here I see an empty space on my right spread and would like to populate it with a quoted text.

      • Drag out a text box with Type Tool (T).

      • Since this new text box will be inside the object with a text wrap, we’ll need to override it by right clicking on the text frame, Text Frame Options > Check the box for Ignore Text Wrap.

    • I also adjust the color of my page to give it some extra punch.

      • Use the color theme tool (Shift + I) to sample colors from the main image.

      • Apply them to text and background elements for cohesive design. Here are some of the things I did:

        • Drag out a Rectangle Tool (M) to use this color as the background.

        • Changed the color of important text elements such as titles and quotes to this color.

And that’s it! Honestly this one is a lot harder than some of the other ones so if you made it all the way to the end then give yourself a round of applause!


Layout 23 - Picture In Word Layout


Layout 21 - Two Common Posters